Monday, February 10, 2014

You Do All Things Well

Tears were rolling down my face as i watched this video tonight. Haven't we all heard and believed the lie "that if we don't have enough faith we won't get what we want?" It doesn't matter what we want. It doesn't matter what we think is best. God has a beautifully complex plan that is absolutely flawless.
I was driving down the interstate the other day on the way to school. Thankfully, going towards the U of M was clear, but on the other side, leading back towards my exit, traffic was at a standstill because of a wreck. Fortunately it didn't look bad from what I saw briefly passing by. It seemed to be a fender bender, but with the tow truck and the police, and the other drivers switching lanes to avoid the individuals on the road, it caused a bit of a jam. I couldn't help but think to myself that it's pretty amazing that there are hundreds of cars full of drivers and passengers, and God loves every one of them. He cares about every one of them. He hears all of the people blasting the KLove Morning Show, all of the prayers for a happy boss or a good parking spot, and all of the pleas to make today better than yesterday. He's with the man crying on the way home from the hospital without a loved one. He's with the exhausted young man who just worked the graveyard shift on the way to an 8am class. He's with the mom stressing out about getting her kids to school twenty minutes late. He's with the father begrudgingly going to the office with a coffee stain on his favorite tie. He's with the driver that just cut you off, and with you when you have that incredible urge to show that driver what you really think. He's with us. All of us. Every step, every mile, and during every journey. And, like the video above says, He does all things well.