Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Glimpses of Hope

*One I wrote and never posted. I realize it's August and I'm talking about my Easter celebration. It's just because I wrote it out a while back...*

Let me just tell you about my day:

We had some family over to celebrate Easter, and we ate ate ate ate ate lots of super yummy food, hung out, caught up on life, and just spent time together.

My friend Elizabeth came over a few hours later and we went to a cookout at another friend's house and ate ate ate ate ate some more super yummy food, hung out, caught up on life, watched kids hunt for Easter eggs, tossed a couple of raw eggs back and forth, and just spent time together.

Elizabeth and I went and saw A Case for Christ, and can I just say wow? Like...wow wow wow. I'm usually not a big fan of Christian movies, but this one was SO good! I won't give anything away, but if you haven't seen it yet I HIGHLY recommend it.

We then went to Target and found our friend Grace.

Grace, Elizabeth, and I went to TCBY and met up with my brother and our friend Billy.

We laughed. We laughed until we cried. We laughed and laughed and laughed until we couldn't breathe.

We drove home and jammed out to Carry On My Wayward Son...because apparently that's what you do when you're on a sugar high and can't stop laughing.

We sang worship songs when we had calmed down.

And oh my heart- how full it is!!

Because here's the glorious thing that I just can't stop smiling about...

I saw a glimpse of heaven today. And I know that sounds like such a cheesy, roll-your-eyes, 'super christian', bible thumping thing to say, so hear me out.

 A glimpse was in knowing that I will get to spend eternity with my brothers and sisters in Christ, with my family of believers, fellowshipping and celebrating what Christ has done for the rest of forever. Just like I celebrated today with my family, and then with a family of Christian friends too!

A glimpse was sitting in the movie theater after the movie had ended and being so overwhelmed by what I had seen that I just sat there as the credits rolled in a stunned silence.

A glimpse in celebrating life with some of my closest friends, looking around the table, laughing hysterically over inside jokes and silly things...and knowing that what brought us together and made us so close was a mutual love for the Lord. (Except my brother Michael...biology brought us close together, but even if he wasn't my brother I think he would be my friend. Don't tell him that though)

We could sing and dance and be goofy, but we also had absolutely no problem at all singing worship songs just as loudly with the windows rolled down, the music turned up, and the smell of a nasty skunk on I-40 totally ruining the moment.

This is what it's about guys. Finding Jesus in these small, every day moments. And when you open your eyes and realize He is absolutely everywhere and in absolutely every thing, you see a glimpse of what our eterenity will be like.

I don't know what tomorrow is going to hold for me. It might be frustrating and crazy, and I might go from being on this spiritual high to being in one of the lowest dumps I've ever been in. Who knows? I know that I can cling to the hope in Jesus being in my big moments and the small ones too. And that, my friends, is worth every second of it all.

We have this hope for our future, in that knowing that Christ is our eternity.