Monday, August 11, 2014

I'm Alive

So much for keeping up with my blog in college. ;) In my defense, I did try for a little while. I'm fairly certain I wrote a thing or two here and there. Honestly, I have thought about it quite often. I've read a quote, or had something exciting happen and think to myself "that would make a cute post..." but I just never got around to doing it. I was going to write a post about my summer trip with RUF, about a weekend St. Louis trip, and a weekend camping trip. But I suppose those will go down in history as good intentions. I was going to write a post about this video too, but you'll just have to watch it instead. Sorry ;)

My summer was quite busy. I worked full time five days a week at my church after-school-care/summer program. It was awesome. I loved every single millisecond of it! The whole experience just reinforced what I already knew I wanted to do with my life. Sometimes I think my passion to be an elementary school teacher is border line absurd. The other day I spent three hours on Teachers Pay Teachers looking for all sorts of ideas and things I could use in my classroom at work, or things I could do one day in a future classroom. I spend hours on Pinterest too. It's a little obsessive. I have my own room for the after school care program at work that I share with an AWESOME co-teacher, and I'm actually embarrassed to tell you how much time I've spent finding ideas, crafting, decorating, and organizing my little corner of the building. I adore it :) I love filing papers, printing out crafts, cleaning up toys, wiping down tables, vacuuming the carpets, washing the whiteboard, laminating letters, hanging up bulletin boards, sending home notes (when I remember that there are notes to be sent), and every aspect about what I get to do every day. And this is just a glimpse!!! God willing, one day I get to do this full-time! It's a beautiful blessing when God allows your passions and career to come together so flawlessly and effortlessly. <3 But, like I was saying: summer was busy. Work, church activities with my college class, spending time with friends that were in town for the summer, family, weekend vacations here and there. It was a LOT! Looking back and thinking about it now, it was easily one of the best summers I've had in a long time. :)

Unfortunately, 'all good things must come to an end.' :[ School has already started for so many munchkins in Memphis, and I start back in just a week or two. I'm excited about this being my last semester of general education classes, but I'd be lying to you if I said I was thrilled about five days a week of 8am classes, AND a Saturday morning class. Yes, that exists. It's going to be a LONG semester. I will be accepting starbucks gift cards, individual packs of coffee, entire containers of coffee grinds, caffeine patches, and anything else that could get me up and going in the mornings. It'll be okay, and I'm committed to staying with it! My first semester I had a 3.7 GPA, and the second semester I had a 2.6! Lesson Learned: You're paying thousands of dollars for the class anyway, so just go. Showing up is half the grade. This girl's name will be on the Dean's List for sure! I'm confident that I can do it!

I suppose that's all I have to say for now. No telling when the next time will be that I can hop back, so I guess a "see ya later alligator" would be an acceptable goodbye. (:

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