Sunday, February 21, 2016

If Christians Used Social Media Like We're Supposed To...

Scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll.....

Likes a cat video.

Scroll scroll scroll...

Oh, so-and-so got engaged. Cool. I haven't seen or talked to them in like six years, but that's cool for them.

Scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll...

Like a status with a bible verse on it.

Scroll scroll scroll...

Ew. Why does he post stuff like that? No one cares.

Scroll scroll...

Ugh. She's so fake. Where's the dislike button?

Scroll scroll scroll...

If I see one more stupid recipe video so help me...


gah! I hate politics....haha that cartoon was kind of funny though.


I don't know about you but this is what social media has become for me. Mindless scrolling down of pages, mindlessly liking or unliking videos/photos/statuses, and growing increasingly angry and bitter at everyone for posting about their "perfect Pinterest lives."

I'm sorry I sound cynical. I'm sorry this isn't all rainbows and butterflies. When I started writing this post a few weeks ago I was writing it as a formal goodbye to social media. I'm tired of wasting time out of my day on the internet reading about someone's life how someone wants me to perceive their life, and spending time out of my day worried about how people perceive my life. I'm tired of political arguments. I'm tired of "Oh woe is me, I'm on my third season of *insert particular Netflix drama* because I have too much time on my hands." I'm tired of scandalous pictures and mind numbing articles about how you can "do THESE four things to make him love you forever!" I'm tired of the quizzes that use your favorite color to predict your five year plan, and I'm tired of politics. (Yes, I know I mentioned politics twice. On purpose.)

Social Media has become less about connecting with others and more about mind numbing escapes from our realities. I know this for a fact, because I am SOOO guilty of it! What's worse, do you know what else I'm guilty of? I'm guilty of being "friends" with people that I either A) don't know very well in real life or B) get along with very well in real life and I get MAD at them on social media. I do! I know that's ridiculous. I'm not proud of it!!! I'm simply stating that I struggle with keeping my emotions in check sometimes. I look at posts from someone I don't know very well, let's say someone I had a class with once my freshman year of high school, and I find myself rolling my eyes and saying to myself "there's no way her life is actually life that." or "wow. I can't believe he just did THAT." I find myself judging and being jealous. I look at posts of people that I just don't get along with in real life and feel a red hot bubble swelling up from somewhere really deep down that I'm ashamed exists in my heart.

Everyone I've talked to says that they feel this way sometimes too. I think it's just a part of what makes us human.

So, with that being said, let's go back to my original intention for this little post. Farewell Facebook! Peace out Pinterest! Hasta la Vista Instagram! Toodle-loo Twitter! I'm done!!! It would make sense, wouldn't it? I'm tired of it, so I'm letting it go.

But I started's a dangerous thing to do sometimes, but I thought nonetheless.

How many of my Facebook friends aren't Christians?

How many non christian friends see bible verses that I pin on Pinterest?
How many followers do I have on Instagram and Twitter that see my posts about joy that comes from the Lord who may never be exposed to it from others?

There's an alarming amount.

So I took a step back and reevaluated.

There's no reason for me to cut out social media and stop it cold turkey. There are a dozen or so reasons that I would like to, but there's no reason to do it just yet. Because here's the thing: what would happen if I let God into every aspect of my life, even my social media, and allowed Him to take charge of spreading His love for others through me? What would happen if I spent less time complaining? Less time passive-aggressively posting about he-said she-said drama? Less time posting things that take away from God's glory, and more time focusing on things that point others to Him? Do you think others would notice? I think they might!

I write this post as a challenge to myself, but to other christian friends in my circle as well. If Jesus was your friend on Facebook or a follower of your Instagram account with whom you could interact, would you still post the things you post and say the things you say? If I'm being honest I would reevaluate a lot of the things I had going on. If you're a normal human being, you probably would too. This week may we be challenged to use every aspect of our lives to glorify Christ. Even the seemingly meaningless social media. You never know what's going to effect somebody.

*Disclaimer! I'm not saying that christians currently aren't using social media outlets to spread the good news. I'm simply calling attention to the fact that we might not realize the limitless opportunities we have before us.

John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Lift one another up..."

Psalm 96:3 "Declare His word in all nations! His wonders to all people!"

Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed by the patterns of this world but be continuously renewed in your mind..."

Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your plans to the Lord and your work will be established."

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