Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm Not So New at This

I'm not so new at this blogging thing. I had one blog before this one called "A Little Piece of Me" that I was quite proud of throughout high school. I wrote about anything and everything, from what I did at school to what I saw on Pinterest that day that I loved. It was a cute blog, covered in dandelions and sweet little posts about my life in high school. Now, I need something new. I need a tiny corner in the universe where I can unwind and chill out, say hello, and get my thoughts out. This is my place to express myself, and I'm not going to concern myself with whether or not you like what I say. That probably sounds a little harsh, but there is a very good reason behind that statement. In my first blog, I would seriously sit there and worry about what people would think about me when they read what I wrote. I would stress myself out before I posted anything because I wanted to make everything look absolutely perfect. It was written by me, it was written about me, and it was called "A Little Piece of Me" but it wasn't really who I was. I'm in a different and beautiful phase in my life, and it requires something as small as beginning another blog where I don't spend so much time freaking out over what someone else may think of me. Kind of a "out with the old and in with the new" type thing. This is my introduction post. My hope is that every once in a while you'll make your way over here for a visit to laugh, smile, cry, and talk with me. This is my life and who I am. I'm growing up and trying new things. Wish me luck! :)

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