Sunday, April 20, 2014


Passion in your soul bubbling to the surface.
Bravery to stand up for what you believe in. 
The taste of victory leaving a thick taste in your mouth. 
Watching him leave for something better. 
Despair for what you cannot control. 
Hate pulsating under your skin. 
Frustration burning you to the core.
Pain oozing from your knees as you fall down the hill head over heels, but towards the ragged ground beneath you. 
Your chest pounding against the prison of your rib cage. 
Menacing sounds that accompany salty tears falling fast in the middle of the night. 
Cruel words dripping from your freshly painted lips. 
Loving with an intensity that you don't understand. 
Aggression hitting you with a force you can't comprehend.
Withdrawing deeper into the depths of resentfulness.
Racing thoughts in the darkness.
Humiliation coloring your cheeks.
Trying and failing to catch your breath.
Overwhelming feelings of inferiority and inadequacy taking over.
Pressure to do more, be more, feel more.
Judgmental stares full of critical words piercing your skin.
The Color Red.

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