Saturday, February 21, 2015

To Him....

Read This. Do it.

Did you read it? Are you sure? Ok. 

Let me tell you a secret that I have shared with very few, and a story that I hope will inspire you like Stephanie's inspired me...

On December 29th, 2013 I wrote a letter to my future husband for the first time. (Let the record show, Megan Trainor's song didn't come out until 2014 so I was definitely doing this before a pop song put an idea into my head.) My favorite book series of all time is the Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn and I probably read all twenty eight books in the series while I was in high school at least twice. My favorites I know I re read three or four times! The stories are about a young girl, Christy, accepting Christ as her Savior and learning what it meant to walk with Him throughout different seasons of life. In the books Christy wrote letter after letter to her future husband to let him know that she had started praying for him when she was in high school and that she thought and prayed for him often. I would definitely say that Robin Jones Gunn is the inspiration behind what I started doing. 

Right around Christmas of my senior year of high school I realized how important it was to me that I begin praying for the heart of my future husband. I began to pray that if my future husband wasn't a Christian yet that God would put Godly men and women in his life to lead him to Christ, that God would protect him and help him in times of tribulations, that God would work on both of our communication skills so we will one day work effectively as a team, that God continues to expose us to situations that test our understanding of others so that we may one day be understanding and patient towards each other, and so many other things. I began to write it all out one night in a hot pink gel pen and that's when the letters started...

Currently there are only six letters. This isn't something I do very often, and the letters aren't even very long. They're heartfelt and full of promises and prayers, but they aren't wordy or frequent. Up until this point I've been keeping these letters hidden under a box, in an envelope, folded up. I can think of only four or five people I've told, and up until this point I couldn't have even imagined sharing this with anyone else. But here's the thing, this doesn't have to be a secret. I'm excited about this and I'm more excited that there are other young women in my community, like Stephanie, who feel the importance for praying for their future spouses. Regardless of whatever the plan God has in store for me, I know he's the author of my story and I'm looking forward to seeing what's ahead.

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