Sunday, November 8, 2015

An Open Letter to the Struggling College Student...

Dear Struggling College Student,

Let me begin by saying that I totally understand, and I'm not judging you.

  • Last week I had a cup of coffee on my way to school, and then made two trips to Starbucks once I arrived on campus. I would have made a third but I was worried about my barista judging I went and got a large iced latte from Dunkin' Doughnuts instead. I really wish I were kidding, but I'm not.
  • I, too, have threatened to drop out of college several times this semester this week today. It's ok. Just breathe. You can do this. And when you don't think you can take a step back, make another cup of coffee if you must, and find a different way of looking at what you're doing. When all else fails look up video clips from old Jimmy Fallon episodes. (Specifically #MyRoomateIsWeird #WorstCollegeParty)
  • You are not the only one with an inspirational quotes board on Pinterest that you occasionally look at to remind yourself why you chose this major. (Nurses and Teachers....I'm looking at you.) If you don't have one of these boards, you should make one. I'm pretty sure I have seven....
  • I made a playlist on Spotify that has 8 1/2 hours of solid studying music to listen to when I write papers, complete assignments, or study for classes. I have found that the best way to study is to spend ten minutes finding just the right song for my mood, study or write for about four minutes, and then spend another five or ten minutes finding the next study power song  do so quietly. :/
  • I use this article as a scientific validation for playing Candy Crush and games like it. Now you can too. You're Welcome.
  • I have an alarm on my phone that says YOU CAN'T HIT SNOOZE AGAIN. YOU MISSED THE FIRST ALARM. and it goes off ten minutes after my first one scheduled in case I miss it.
Like I said, I totally understand. And I'm not judging you. In some way, shape, or form we are all in the same boat. We've all called our mom and asked her what temperature to wash the dark colored clothes in, what the 'eco' button on the dishwasher does, why the dog is running in circles making that weird sound, and how to tell if the chicken for dinner is done boiling. We've all had our fair share of Pinterest fails, and we're all learning from the mistakes we undoubtedly make every day. We are all human, and we're all trying to navigate through real life 101 college. It's hard. Being in school is stressful. Having a job is stressful. Trying to raise a kid is stressful. Trying to become financially independent is stressful. Trying to take care a sick family member is stressful. If you do any of those things combined you're a superhero.
I don't know how 20-something year olds do it but some do. Some do it more gracefully than others, but things get accomplished nonetheless.  And we will continue to do so, and even get better at it, now and every day for the rest of our adult lives. You can do this. We can do this. We're going to make it.


A Struggling College Student

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