Saturday, January 25, 2014


What if all of the world's discarded ideas could be physically seen? What if somehow, every concept and every dream a human mind has ever conceived appeared in the world around us? Imagine the things you thought up as a child: a world of candy, a teamoline of jello, a robot to make you barbie clothes or racecar tracks. The pieces of artwork we drew as young children becoming real 3 dimensional objects and places without question.
What would become real if the dreams you cooked up as an adolescent or young adult became real? What movements would be made? What job would you have? What would you do if there was no way to fail? Walt Disney once said "...If you can dream it you can do it." If my "wishes" were granted and I could do everything without fail I would try something new every day. Instead I allow the fear of failure and the fear of the unknown to dictate what I will and will not try.

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

Monday, January 13, 2014

Not where I belong

Sometimes it feels like I'm watching from the outside
Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing but am I alive?
I won't keep searching for answers I'm not here to find
All I know is I'm not home yet
This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me jesus
This is not where I belong.

I love this song by building 429. Its been running through my head all morning just serving as a little reminder...

I was on hold with the Memphis financial aid office for about an hour today because I thought my semester was paid for only to find out last night I owed about 2600 dollars by Wednesday. I tried to log into MyMemphis portal where ALL of my school information is, only to find out that the portal has been down for 2-3 days and is not available to students right now.
Needless to say that I was a little stressed out! And as I'm trying not to curse under my breath and scream or cry (because this stuff is quite important and dealing with it is beyond frustrating)  this song starts running through my head. And slowly I realized that while this is important,  I shouldn't worry or get angry about it. Its aggravating, but it isn't worth getting upset over.

My goal for 2014 is to not become so wrapped up in worldly emotions. I want better control on how I respond to situations like this or how I speak to friends in various situations.  Because, while it feels like every decision we make is life or death, it really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things. This isn't where I will be for eternity.  I should be basing my decisions and actions on how they will glorify God.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Just a Slice of Random Cake.

I love planning and organizing things for other people! I hate cleaning though, that's different. I myself am not a very organized person, but I can rearrange a bedroom or files in a cabinet more thoroughly than a (insert the perfect metaphor here because I've got nothin'.)
Yesterday I reorganized the art center in my classroom at work, went through and rearranged our classroom cabinets, and organized our homework center. I googled, pinned and planned lots of different games for my 24-36 children and planned an art project for our class. I've also been brainstorming ideas for a purple zoo themed baby shower and decor ideas for our new college and career sunday school class! I feel like its been a productive week inside my brain. ;) I think that if teaching is suddenly not an option for me one day I will become a party planner or a wedding planner or a classroom organizer.  I could handle it.

A Second Serving of Random Cake Today

I just have a heaping of randomness to tell you about today.
First of all, I thought this was funny. My co teacher at work is pregnant with her third baby. Her oldest, 6, went up to her the other day and told her that "...he hoped his baby brother showed up looking alright, because right now he looks like a giant baked potato..."
Second, I had a wonderful and fantastical day today! I spent the morning snoozing with my puppy, watched TV, stayed in my pajamas,  took a long hot bubble bath, picked up Michael from school,  had an AWESOME day at work, went to choir, went to my wed night college stuff, came home and went to bed! (From where I am typing this now) It was a good day!
Third, I would just like to publically have it on record somewhere that I hate being cold. I hate that its been below 40 all week, and that the roads might freeze tonight. I don't even like snow. Its cold AND wet! It seeps through your clothes and makes them soggy, and turns your skin bright red fron the extreme temperatures.  ¡No me gusta!
Fourth, Christ Church straight up rocks! I am loving getting to know people from both campuses of all ages. Its great to have such an awesome church family!
Fifth, Papa John's is better than any other chain name pizza place.
Sixth,  one of my secret favorite desserts are the feosted sugar cookies you get from the bakery section at the grocery store. I will always eat one of those at any holiday party before even giving another food or dessert the time of day. ;)
Seventh, I prefer android over apple.
Eighth,  I have always hated texting over calling but as I have gotten older I have realized texting benefits.
Ninth, on Sunday I sang my first solo!
Tenth, I don't have anything to say now. I jusy hated to only say nine things and only have one left to make it a nice, even, number.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

Blogging Challenge Day 13: Favorite Poem

My favorite poem. Shel Silverstein Masks.

Let's Hear it for the Boy(s)

Blogging Challenge Day 12: Five guys you find attractive

Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake
Darren Criss
Darren Criss
Chris Hemsworth.
Chris Hemsworth
Matt Grevers (team usa swimmer).
Matt Grevers
Joel Smallbone of for KING & COUNTRY <3 <3 <3 “You’re Worth More Than All the Money in the World”
Joel Smallbone (For King and Country)

Mi Familia

Blog Challenge Day 11: Your Family

I'll keep this post short and sweet. There are not enough words in the dictionary to tell you how much I love and adore my family. I have an amazing, selfless mother who will do anything for anybody; an awesome little brother who makes me laugh and cares for everyone; and an incredibly hard-working father who I admire and look up to. I don't know who I would be without my family's support and love. They make my days brighter! I love each of them so much!

"Family is not an important thing, it's everything." Michael J. Fox #quotes #genealogy ~ Day 77.02 Today I'm grateful for my family, my large, extended blood and non-blood relatives. You guys made today more awesome. Thanks!