Saturday, August 13, 2016

Green Bay and Chicago

Michael and I took a weekend trip to see some family friends of ours who live in Chicago! We went to the Packers preseason game and did some local stuff around town. It's been a great trip! Ron and Sue are the best!!!

Michael and I leaving Memphis Thursday morning

It was easily one of the most boring drives I've ever had. Just a bunch of corn and windmills. Maybe some wheat fields here and there...

More corn. There were like 8 other pictures of the corn I'll spare you from looking at.

We made it to Chicago around 3 and left to get some Chicago style pizza a few hours after getting back to the house.

Y'all. This pizza is crazy. Giordano's is the BEST!

I barely finished two pieces!

This is a horrible picture of Michael, but he said he was tired of taking pictures and didn't care what he looked like. I was too excited about heading to Green Bay to care that he didn't care. ;D

This car ride was long, but I wised up and bought a coloring book to keep myself busy on the way down there. (I'm basically an 11 year old. Don't judge me.)

A Wisconsin cheese factory

A way better picture of Michael. He's excited at this point since we're actually pretty close to Lambeau!

Made it to Green Bay! First stop? ShopKo!

AKA Packers Merch Paradise.

Next Stop? Old Chicago!

When I say these are the best nachos I've ever had in my entire life, I'm not exaggerating. They're called Italian Nachos, but Ron & Sue call them pizza nachos. It's basically won ton chips, melted mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, italian sausage, peppers, and a spicy tomato sauce. I was apprehensive at first, but they were SO good!

Main course? A 1lb pizza burger!

Yup. a 1lb burger sitting in between two personal pepperoni pizzas. Ron had high aspirations, but only had room for about half the burger. It was surprisingly tasty though! Michael, Sue, and I split up the other half into thirds and each tried a bit. I was impressed.

Even the fire hydrants were green and gold! Go Pack Go!!!!

My first Lambeau Field picture! 

Our seats were INCREDIBLE!!!! 5th row at the 10 yard line!

Browns warming up.

Left the game and hit Starbucks :) 

Saturday morning we woke up pretty late since we were out so late with the game the night before. We hit up downtown Napperville after lunch and while we were driving we realized we were trailing a Memphis Tigers fan!!

Decorated seat outside of the Barnes and Noble

Stopped at Starbucks again in downtown Napperville. The barista here was the nicest barista I've ever met. Seriously. He was awesome! He was telling us that his customers who travel the world, or customers from different parts of the world, bring him the "local mugs" from various locations for him to display. He types up each customer's story about where they're from or how they came across the mug on a piece of paper and displays that with the mug. I thought it was the coolest thing!

The weather was BEAUTIFUL! Napperville had a gorgeous park that we walked around in for a while.

On a regular day we probably would have gone up to the observation deck, but there was a wedding going on so it was closed. 

They also have a giant public swimming pool called Centennial Beach that I thought was super neat.

Ron and Sue have two dogs and two cats that are the absolute sweetest. This is Logan.

This is Lilly!

This is Luke, and Lars was always running around and didn't sit still much so I didn't make it back with a picture of him. 

Ron and Sue made this weekend the absolute BEST! I am so so thankful for them! Can't wait to visit again soon!

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