Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Every Day I'm Shuffling

Blog Challenge Day ten: Put your iPod on shuffle and talk about the first ten songs that come up.

1. Skeleton Bones by John Mark McMillan

"Oh let us adore the
Son of Glory dressed in love
Open up your gates before him
Crown Him, stand Him up"

Love this song! It's a really unique worship song, and I love McMillan's voice!!!

2. The Lucky Ones by Brendan James
"With our hearts in our hands,
Like loaded guns,
We're taking a chance,
We're the lucky ones,
This moment is yours,
This moment is mine,
And we're gonna be fine"

This song has a really catchy tune that I hum all the time.

3. Stranger by Hilary Duff
I can still sing every word to any Hilary Duff song  ever released. Ever. She was my childhood obsession.

4. Train by 3 Doors Down
Not my favorite 3 Doors song, but I do love 3 Doors Down. When You're Young is my favorite!

5. Put You in a Song by Keith Urban
Keith could read the phone book, record it, and release an album of that and I would buy it. I loveeeee him!! 

6.I Hope That Something Better Comes Along by Matt Nathanson
Yes. That is a song from the muppets. When they released the movie with Amy Adams and Jason Segal not too long ago they released a bunch of original muppet songs done by modern artists. I liked this one.

7. Attention by Known Hope Collective
This is a song I blast in my car on repeat and sing as loudly as I possibly can. I love it! It's one of my favorite worship songs.

8. Home by Daughtry

9. Come Thou Fount by King's Kaleidoscope
Beautiful song, beautiful version. A couple of students were with my youth pastor in his car and he played King's Kaleidoscope's EP and I went home and bought it immediately. You need to go buy it too. It's awesome.

10. Forget Me Not by Civil Wars
Not my favorite song, but I love the Civil Wars!!! Haha coincidentally this is another band my youth pastor introduced me to. He let me borrow the CD, and it's one I play all the time.

In My Humble Opinion....

Blog Challenge Day 9: How Important You Think Education Is.

I didn't know people thought education was UN-important. A free public education keeps children off the streets, teaches them about the world they live in, and prepares them for their futures. Education increases a person's income, reduces poverty, and boosts the economic growth. I did a little bit of "googling" on the subject, and there are people who believe that you should be able to drop out of high school whenever you feel like doing so without consequences. I'll admit that there were things I wasted time learning in high school. I'll probably never have to label the parts of mitosis, find the cosine of angle B, or recite the opening lines of Canterbury Tales. (But I can!) High school, and the 13 years from kindergarten to senior year, teach you more than just textbook material. You learn how to exist as a member of a diverse society and how to handle problems that arise throughout your life. You learn responsibility by having to be on time to class and keeping up with your materials. You learn the value of work ethic by studying and making good grades. You make what will sometimes become lifelong friends. You learn how to think for yourself and how to back up your arguments. You learn what it is you love to do through extracurricular activities and electives, and gain insight to what you can potentially do with your life. Education is more than 2+2=4.

Education from preschool to 12th grade is important. College- not so much. I don't think college is for everyone. If a person isn't willing to work for their grades, and is going to flunk classes because they never attend or never open the textbook-why spend the thousands of dollars on a higher education you're wasting? If you're getting a four year degree at a major university for something you can go to a trade school for two years for and get the same degree, why not do the more economically friendly option? Here's my personal example: All throughout high school I wanted to go to a small, private, christian school, and earn my education degree. I ended up at the University of Memphis. Why? Because an education degree is an education degree. Because it's more than a $15,000 difference between tuition. Because it doesn't matter if I go to Alaska or Rhode Island: education is one of those degrees where the fundamentals are similar if not the same all over the world. There's such a push for going to a 4 year university in public high schools, and I don't think there should be.Students should be told that they have other options besides going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt if college isn't for them.

My Mellow Morning

Blog Challenge Day 8: Bullet Your Day So Far

  • Woke Up at 7:45
  • Played with Angus
  • Tidied up the Living Room from opening Christmas Gifts last night
  • Got on the computer
I thought this one was kind of dumb. That's literally all I've done today! :) It's Christmas!!!!!! And it's still early! Later we will go to my grandmother's and celebrate Christmas with my dad's side of the family, but this morning we are chilling out.

Yesterday we had a mini photo shoot with our new little puppy, Angus. Here are some pictures! This way, the post isn't a total waste.

Oh No You Didn't....

Blog Challenge Day 7: 5 Pet Peeves

#1 If you have a problem with me and don't tell me about it, and I legitimately don't know there is something wrong, how am I supposed to fix it? Or apologize for it? I'm a sensitive person, so usually I'm pretty sensitive to what bothers other people  but since I am a human being I make mistakes and can hurt someone's feelings sometimes. But when that happens don't go running to everyone and their mother screaming about what a horrible person I am. I've learned very very recently that it hurts and that I should take my own advice and the same exact thing when someone hurts my feelings. So this one is a new pet peeve.

#2 People who talk on the phone in restaurants. Take the call outside. Send your caller a text saying you'll call them back. Let it go to voice-mail.

#3 Whistling. I don't mind it too much when you do it occasionally. I've been caught whistling a few tunes myself. But when people are shopping, standing in lines, or in general out and about start whistling the song stuck in their head it drives me nuts.

#4 People who go under the speed limit in the left lane. YOU HAVE A WHOLE LANE A FOOT AWAY FROM YOU TO DRIVE IN!!!!! Also: people who drive up behind me in the right lane, get right on my bumper, and want me to speed. Again, YOU HAVE A WHOLE LANE A FOOT AWAY FROM YOU TO PASS ME IN!!!!!!!

#5 Lying to my face. Especially when I know you're lying. Just don't.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Touchdown in the Land of the Delta Blues

Blog Challenge Days 5 and 6: Post cards or pictures of your city, and 10 facts about your city.

More Memphis love!!!!

Memphis, Tennessee: Home Of The Blues Giclee Print by Anderson Design Group at

1. The most famous barbecue restaurant in Memphis Tennessee is Charles Vergos’ Rendezvous Charcoal Ribs restaurant.

2. Graceland Mansion, the home of the King of Rock n’ Roll Elvis Presley is the most famous private home in Memphis to tour
Elvis at Graceland Gates, one day I will remarry my husband at the Gates of Graceland <3

3. Sun Studio is most famous as the studio that recorded Rock n’ Roll Superstars Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.

4.The Memphis Zoo is a world-class family destination and has been one of the most popular attractions in Memphis for over 100 years.
Memphis Zoo

5. Memphis is known as the “Bluff City” or “The River City” depending on who you are asking. Memphis got this nickname because of its location on the Mississippi River, the second longest river in the United States that provide Memphis about five miles of bluffs for parks, riverboat cruises and other outdoor activities including the World Class Barbecue Competition that happens during the Memphis in May Festival annually. 

6.he World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest held annually in May on the bluffs of the Mississippi River in Tom Lee Park attracts hundreds of cooking teams from all over the world.

7. Beale Street.

8. The Pink Palace Museum started out not as the world-renowned museum that it is today located in Memphis Tennessee, but it was to be the dream home of entrepreneur and founder Clarence Saunders of the Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store Chain.

9.Memphis was founded on May 22, 1819 by a group of investors John Overton, James Winchester and Andrew Jackson and was incorporated as a city in 1826.

10.According to the Memphis Rock n’ Soul Museum records, there have been over 1000 commercially recorded songs and over 800 distinct titles about Memphis, Tennessee. More songs and titles have been produced and recorded about the city of Memphis Tennessee than any other city in the world.

Facts from here.