Friday, December 13, 2013

Wouldn't you like to know....

Blogging Challenge Day 4: 10 things about you

#1 I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Winter sucks.
#2 I am a horrible liar. Seriously. Everyone can tell when I'm lying because I do a half smile and a giggle before telling you what I'm going to say. I've done it my entire life!
#3 I am a total introvert. <--- Read that if you don't believe me. Every. Single. One. of. Those. Describe me impeccably.
#4 I don't eat purple food. Eggplant, grapes (only eat green ones) cabbage, etc. Not because they are purple. It's just coincidental.
#5 My biggest fear is not being able to breathe. I have irrational fears of being smothered, drowning, being buried alive, etc.
#6 I love creative writing. I've written lots of short stories and poems, but I very rarely share things I've written. Blogging is different because I consider it a way to relax and get my thoughts out. It doesn't matter to me whether or not you read my blog, or whether or not you like it. It DOES matter to me if I let you read anything fictional I've written and if you like that or not.
#7 I am a very trusting person. I'm really not that guarded, and will tell just about anybody just about anything they want to know about me. However, when you do something to break that trust it takes me a while to forgive you. And it takes an incredibly long time to regain the trust you broke. I'm not heartless, everyone makes mistakes. But when someone purposely make the same mistake over and over I don't put up with it.
#8 I have a tendency to hold emotions in until I snap. Going back to #7....I can let things go. If you do something that annoys me I pretty much let it roll off my shoulders. If you make a snide comment here, or say something stupid there, it doesn't bother me too much and I won't say anything. Let's say you say something that irks me to no end: I can still keep my frustration pent up inside. But after dealing with the little things for months or years I get pretty fed up. You can make a face a certain way or say something I take the wrong way and I flip out. WHICH, is why my number one rule for my life is to never speak out of your emotions. I never make decisions when I am upset. I never speak out of anger. It's gotten me into trouble more times than I can count. More recently, I have done better with this but it's a struggle.
#9 When I was younger I truly thought I would run into Jesse McCartney and that we would get married. I also wished I lived with the Tanner family on Full House...I don't know why.
#10 I want to do mission work somewhere one day, foreign or in the united states, and work in an orphanage.

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