Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Oh No You Didn't....

Blog Challenge Day 7: 5 Pet Peeves

#1 If you have a problem with me and don't tell me about it, and I legitimately don't know there is something wrong, how am I supposed to fix it? Or apologize for it? I'm a sensitive person, so usually I'm pretty sensitive to what bothers other people  but since I am a human being I make mistakes and can hurt someone's feelings sometimes. But when that happens don't go running to everyone and their mother screaming about what a horrible person I am. I've learned very very recently that it hurts and that I should take my own advice and the same exact thing when someone hurts my feelings. So this one is a new pet peeve.

#2 People who talk on the phone in restaurants. Take the call outside. Send your caller a text saying you'll call them back. Let it go to voice-mail.

#3 Whistling. I don't mind it too much when you do it occasionally. I've been caught whistling a few tunes myself. But when people are shopping, standing in lines, or in general out and about start whistling the song stuck in their head it drives me nuts.

#4 People who go under the speed limit in the left lane. YOU HAVE A WHOLE LANE A FOOT AWAY FROM YOU TO DRIVE IN!!!!! Also: people who drive up behind me in the right lane, get right on my bumper, and want me to speed. Again, YOU HAVE A WHOLE LANE A FOOT AWAY FROM YOU TO PASS ME IN!!!!!!!

#5 Lying to my face. Especially when I know you're lying. Just don't.

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